Sunday, 21 June 2015

How to Remove moles with Apple Cider Vinegar.

Have a mole that's been bothering you? You could go the doctor and have it removed, but that will cost a lot of cash, plus there's a solid chance it'll come back anyways. Stop wasting your money and get rid of that thing for good! Here's how.

Go to your local health food store and pick up some Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar. Does it have to be Braggs? Yes. (If you buy normal apple cider vinegar and put that on your skin it'll just burn you and harm a lot, plus it probably won't get rid of your mole.) If you live in the boonies and there's no health food store around, you can buy Braggs Apple cider vinegar Online. Braggs is unpasturized and raw, which is essential.
Before you try this remember: It's never wise to mess with a cancerous mole, so if your mole is larger than a pencil eraser, or has uneven edges or different colors from the get go, it's probably best to see the physician to make sure the mole itself is benign. Also, this technique uses the vinegar to literally melt off the mole itself, so the mole will get red and look scary for a couple days (this is normal) so if the mole is on your face or something, be prepared, because it can look much worse before it gets better.
If you're still with me and want that irritating mole GONE, just follow these directions.....

After shaking the Apple Cider Vinegar vigorously, open it and Dab some of the Braggs Apple cider vinegar instantly on the mole whenever possible. (Basically anytime you have a moment, dab some on.)
The best way to do this is with a dropper. Use the dropper to suck up some vinegar and drop one drop directly on the mole.

Try to only get the drop on the mole (if you get a bunch on the healthy skin around the mole it will irritate your skin and the skin around the mole will turn red.) If you miss and get it on your skin don't freak out, it'll be alright, and after all, it's just apple vinegar

Attempt to drop Apple Cider Vinegar on the mole quite as often as possible (but a minimum of 3 times a day.) The more often you apply it, the quicker the mole will fall off. You can't do this too much. As soon as the Mole absorbs the Vinegar you can re-apply. You could actually sit at home and do this on and off all day and the mole would probably go down off in just a few days.

The mole will scab over after a day or 2, (I know this sounds gross, but moles are gross and you want this thing gone) so Once it scabs up, pick the scab (peel the thing right off.) Then apply another drop of Apple Cider Vinegar. It will burn like hell for a minute or 2, but it still beats a huge doctor bill and having someone cut on you.

If you are diligently applying the Apple Cider Vinegar and picking the scabs (they get progressively smaller) the Mole should fall off completely within a week’s period.

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